Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Use Shakespeare Quotes

How to Use Shakespeare Quotes You can make your essays interesting by adding a famous quote, and there is nobody better than a Shakespeare to quote! However, many students feel intimidated at the thought of quoting Shakespeare. Some fear that they may end up using the quote in the wrong context; others may worry about using the quote verbatim, owing to the archaic Shakespearan expressions. If you wish to learn how to skillfully quote Shakespeare, you have reached the right place. In this article, you will learn how to use quotes from Shakespeare in your own writing and how to attribute the quote correctly.   Find the Right Shakespeare Quote You can refer to your favorite resources, be it your school library, a public library, or of course, your favorite content destination on the internet- Make sure that you use a reliable source that gives you complete attribution, which includes the name of the author, the play title, the act, and the scene number. Using the Quote You will find that the language used in Shakespeare plays have archaic expressions that were used during the Elizabethan era. If you are unfamiliar with this language, you run the risk of not using the quote correctly. To avoid making mistakes, be sure to use the quote verabatim- in exactly the same words as in the original source. Quoting From Verses and Passages Shakespeare plays have many beautiful verses; its up to you to find an appropriate verse for your essay. One way to ensure an impactful quote is to ensure that the verse you choose does not leave the idea unfinished. Here are some tips for quoting Shakespeare: If you are quoting verse and it runs longer than four lines, you must write the lines one below the other as you do when you write poetry; However, if the verse is one to four lines long, you should use the line division symbol (/) to indicate the beginning of the next line. Here is an example: Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, / Too rude, too boisterous; and it pricks like thorn(Romeo and Juliet, Act I, Sc. 5, line 25)If you are quoting prose, then there is no need for line divisions. However, to effectively represent the quote, it is beneficial to first provide the contextual relevance of the quote and then proceed to quote the passage. Context helps your reader to understand the quote and to better grasp the message that you wish to convey by using that quote, but you should exercise caution when deciding how much information to supply. Sometimes students give a brief synopsis of the play to make their Shakespeare quote sound relevant to their essay, but it is better to pro vide short, focused background information. Here is an example of how a small amount of context can be provided before a quote to improve its impact:Miranda, daughter of Prospero, and the King of Naples son Ferdinand, are to get married. While Prospero is not optimistic about the arrangement, the couple, Miranda and Ferdinand are looking forward to their union. In this quote, we see the exchange of viewpoints between Miranda and Prospero: Miranda: How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people int!Prospero: Tis new to thee.(The Tempest, Act V, Sc. 1, line 183-184) Attribution No formal Shakespeare quote is complete without its attribution. For a Shakespeare quote, you need to provide the play title, followed by act, scene, and line number. It is a good practice to italicize the title of the play, as shown here: In order to ensure that the quote is used in the right context, it is important to reference the quote appropriately. That means, you must mention the characters name who made the statement. Here is an example: He was ever precise in promise-keeping.(Measure for Measure, Act I, Sc. 2)In the play Julius Caesar, the relationship of the husband-wife duo (Brutus and Portia), brings out the conniving nature of Portia, in startling contrast to Brutus gentleness: You are my true and honourable wife;/As dear to me as are the ruddy drops/That visit my sad heart.(Julius Caesar, Act II, Sc. 1) Length of the Quote Avoid using long quotes. Long quotes dilute the essence of the point. In case you have to use a specific long passage, it is better to paraphrase the quote. A Final Word of Advice On this site, you will find a vast resource of Shakespeare quotes. These quotes have been categorized by the title of the Shakespeare play. You can also find more information on how to use quotations in essays.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Admission Essay Help Online

Admission Essay Help Online Admission Essay Help Online So that big moment has finally arrived and you are now seeking admission in the college of your dreams- in the subject of your choice-but you have to first get over a big obstacle in your way- your admission essay. If this is the case dont panic because here is some timely admission essay help that can enable you to emerge a winner. Getting admission in to a good college is getting tougher every year with more and more students vying for fewer seats. This is where admission essay help can move in and save the day by singling you out from the crowd and getting the admissions committee to write that magic word, Accept on your paper. So what does the secret formula of admission essay help consist of? The right length An admission essay should not ramble on endlessly and bore your reader to death. It is so easy to write sentence after sentence without really saying anything meaningful and this is bound to get you in to the bad books of your reader. So the first rule- if you are seeking admission essay help is to stick to the point by observing a word limit of approximately 500 words: The right topic No article on admission essay helpwould be complete if it did not draw your attention to the fact that the first step in writing a really good admissions essay is to choose your topic wisely. While most colleges will ask you to tell them about yourself-it is then up to you to zero in on which aspect of your personality you are going to write about. Admission essay help can be available to you in the form of an enjoyable activity that can then be linked to the subject of your choice. Just ensure that you write about it in an inspiring and relevant manner. It may be that you are fond of horse riding or that you are a long distance runner-well then the next question is-what are the vital lessons of life that you learnt from this activity and how are you looking to relate these learnings to your college life? Use plenty of imagination as well as facts to weave your life story in with interesting details from real life. This will give you some admission essay help that will place you head and shoulders above the rest. Read also: What is a Thesis? Political Science Thesis Dissertation Topics APA Thesis Writing a Term Paper

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Uprisings of Soviet Union Satellite Countries Essay

Uprisings of Soviet Union Satellite Countries - Essay Example In the 1960s Czechoslovakia, though still a satellite of the Soviet Union was starting to display a certain degree of independence from the Soviet Union. By early 1968, the reformers had gained sufficient strength in the political apparatus to install Ludvik Svoboda as President and Alexander Dubcek as head of the Communist Party. These two took Czechoslovakia onto a path of economic reforms and provided greater press and travel freedoms, and as a result, Czechoslovakia became the most liberal Communist state in the world, with the people enjoying the newly available freedoms. This state of affairs was not to remain for long, as this state of affairs in Czechoslovakia, was alarming to the Soviet Union. Through negotiations, an agreement was reached between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union to slow down the pace of reforms in the country, in an attempt to reduce the alarm of the Soviet Union. However, on August 20, 1968, the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries of East Germany , Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria struck with lightening speed and massive force, so that within a week there more than half a million of these forces spread all over Czechoslovakia. Against this massive military might, the people of Czechoslovakia responded not through military means, but through nonviolent resistance. The Soviets responded with political manipulation and economic pressure that saw the Czechoslovakian leadership gradually give way. The intense initial resistance against the Soviet Union slowly eroded to a disgruntled complacency.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Persuasion Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Persuasion Speech - Essay Example Earth resources are inadequate. Most of the items used in daily life such as glass, plastic bags and papers, come from natural resources. Producing more materials may require more resources and energy. For this reason, Uliano (2008, p. 41) argues that recycling products transforms old used products into new, useful products. In reference to official estimates by researchers, there is limited land space that may not fully accommodate landfills in the near future. Waste from existing landfills has overflowed to the neighboring land tracts affecting the environment, flora and fauna surrounding it. Recycling can reduce the size of landfills and daily waste. Uliano (2008, p. 74) shows that recycling helps to save on energy. Recycling reduces the amount of energy that would be used in production of other new products. According to Uliano (2008, p. 75), production of recycled glass, plastic and paper takes 68 percent, 82 percent and 85 percent less energy

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Mandatory Service Program Essay Example for Free

Mandatory Service Program Essay There are many debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of mandating community service, however, the practice of compelling adolescents to take part in community service is increasingly common. People seek to understand the relationships between mandatory community service and volunteering. A key distinction between mandated community service and volunteering is the freely-chosen nature of the latter activity compared to the compulsory nature of the former (Arai et al.). Even though college students may not comprehend the value of community service now, this is a great opportunity for them to achieve something in the future. What harm can several hours of service per week possibly do to youngsters? Instead of attending pubs, drinking alcohol and doing whatever they like to do, they will be busy with contributing to the society. The statistics shows that students who participated in community service while studying at college are more likely to find a good job because they have something to put in their resumes. Such people are welcome in every circle. Current statistics from the Department of Labor report that in the United States among the 26, 8% of the adult population who volunteer, college students are the majority of them (76, 3%). That shows that individuals with higher levels of educational attainment are more aware of the importance of contributing to the community, more aware of the impact the may have and the responsibility they carry as citizens to improve lives and solve problems. By implementing a mandatory service program for all college students, the number of active students should be increased, and that should be the start. The reason why that should be initiated at college is that college is where there already a wide culture of volunteering, where individuals are more responsive to the need of getting involved. College students carry fundamental information that should help in crafting solutions to existing social problems. At the beginning, the service will, of course, be mandatory, but later most of the students may like it, may like to pay tribute to their society and be responsible for something useful and good that they have done. The study of Ontario university students compared a cohort of students required to perform mandatory community service to a cohort that did not, in terms of their attitudes toward volunteering and civic engagement a few months after high school graduation (Henderson). Metz and Youniss note in particular the benefits of mandated community service for students who are less inclined to servedefined in this case as students who had no volunteer experience prior to beginning their mandated service, and who delayed beginning their service until their final year before graduation. In their study, these less-inclined students, once compelled to become involved in community service, experienced firsthand the benefits of doing so, and were likely to stay involved and report intentions to continue civic involvement into adulthood. While more-inclined adolescents similarly reported intentions to continue their involvement, they were likely to do so regardless of whether they had been required to perform community service (Arai et al.). Among the group less inclined to service, students required to perform mandatory service showed a greater likelihood of civic interest and understanding, future voting, and conventional civic involvement after their experience (Lerner, Zaff). Mandated community service experiences are not significantly different from those entered into willingly. Length and breadth of service is similar, and with the exception that high school students who were not mandated to perform community service tend to use their schools to identify volunteering opportunities, and as places to perform service, the two cohorts are indistinguishable (Brown et al.). Some may not agree that service should be made mandatory to all students at college because partner sites could lose with the program instead of benefiting. The argument is that sites will not have a long- term commitment from the students participating in the program and that might hurt their projects. However, the students might be so deeply involved with their projects that they may choose to carry on with their work and continue to help. Their enthusiasm may influence others in their lives, such as their family members, in such a way they become supports as well. Another strong argument against mandatory service program is that in 2002, Covitt found that girls had more positive attitudes about required service than boys, and that white students had more positive attitudes than black students (Lerner, Zaff). Of course, it is impossible for all nations and genders to have the same attitude and the same point of view. But that is the actual purpose of community service: to unite everyone for solving common social problems and achieving desired goals. Nowadays civic engagement is deteriorating, people become members of different associations less and less, they are not interested in social activities and do not care about obvious problems. They turn a blind eye on everything that is farther from their reach. There are three possible ways for mandated behavior programs to attain their goals: they compel, directly, the very behaviors that are seen to be essential; they create behavioral habits so that individuals might then begin to participate in other similar activities; and/or the act of participating instills in individuals the attitudes that then serve as motors for other behaviors deemed to be beneficial (Brown et al.). Among programs aimed at students, effects are clearest when service is regular and sustained, when there are broad opportunities for public action, or when the service provides students with an opportunity to experience power. Factors such as the amount of enjoyment, support, respect, and appreciation students encounter in their placements are very important in promoting a commitment to subsequent volunteering (Brown et al.). Mandatory community service is, of course, one example of mandated civic behavior deemed to benefit both individual participants and society as a whole. In order for college students not to be hostile towards the program, they need to get some benefits from participating. And this way they will not feel forced to do anything. Their contributions will become more voluntary and, therefore, they will become better people than they were before. In conclusion, it has to be said that the number of reasons pro establishing mandatory service program is overwhelming and fears about consequences are not reasonable enough to fight against it. Students will be busy with something useful for their lives and will not notice how they begin to enjoy it. Both, the young people and the society will benefit from it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Meaningful and Sentimental Best Man Speech -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Sp

Meaningful and Sentimental Best Man Speech Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I would like to echo the groom's sentiments and mention that all the bridesmaids look truly beautiful, indeed. Also, I'd like to say that the bride looks absolutely stunning today, as for the groom he just looks stunned. I am on a strict time limit from the bride, so the more you laugh at my jokes, the quicker my speech will be. It is beautiful to see so many loving family members and friends here to share in this occasion, especially those who have traveled some distances to be here with us today. For those of you who don't know me, I have been a friend of the groom's for seven years. He has many special friends, and haying the privilege of being chosen as his best man, from such esteemed company, is an honor the likes of which I have never had bestowed upon me. I like to think that my selection as one of the best men is not really because your other friend canceled on you, but because I am one of the few people in the room and indeed alive that has actually seen you hit a homerun. To be called a best man on a day like this is somewhat of a paradox. For today belongs to only one man, and that's you. No matter the size and liberality of the thoughts and tokens provided to you today you have already attained the greatest gift a man can wish for; the love of a woman as beautiful and caring as the bride. I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing, for a considerable portion of my life, both of them individually, before knowing them as a couple. The beautiful girl that every boy in our class was madly in love with and the boy from the baseball team, who I didn't like much at the time. Spending time with the two of them is like sl... ...honor and respect both and for himself and for those he loves. As is customary I should leave the groom with wise words, to help in your marriage. Since I am a bachelor, I have little experience to speak from, but I hope these help anyway: 1. Never go to bed angry; always stay up and argue. 2. Always remember those three little words that are so important in a marriage: "You're right dear.? 3. Lastly, under no circumstances will you swear at our wife, if there are ladies present. Searching around to find a pertinent closing thought, all were overshadowed by the validity of the following: " You don't marry someone because you can live with them, you marry them because you simply cannot live without them." Ladies and gentlemen, if you could all be upstanding, and join me in a toast: To the two people who are so dear in all our hearts, the bride and groom.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Health and social care setting Essay

My health and social care setting is an under 5’s nursery, within my setting there may be many incidents or emergencies. There could be incidents within my setting such as bumping their heads, falling over, tripping over toys. An emergency within my setting could be things such as fire’s or severe injuries such as being knocked unconscious. In this assignment I will cover two incidents or emergencies, the ones I will be covering are actual and suspected abuse and exposure to infection, I will start of with my P4; explaining possible priorities and responses when dealing with these incidents, I will then go onto D2; justifying why I am making those responses, finally I will go onto my M3;; where I will discuss the health, safety and security of individuals within my setting when the incident or emergency occurs. In a case of actual abuse your priority is the children, you should make sure there is trusted members of staff to listen to them at all times and take what they are saying seriously, it is vital that staff do not just brush it off as a silly comment or something they’ve â€Å"heard on TV†, they should do this because although they may be unsure about what the child is telling them, it is most likely true, children of this age do not fabricate things such as this, they should not just shrug it off and take any notice because they have to relay as much detail to their supervisor as possible.In the case of a child expressing to an adult about abuse, they should listen carefully, don’t walk away from the child or disrupt them whilst they are telling you, you should feel privileged as a child confiding in you about their abuse must mean they trust you, they should not do this because it will make the child feel although they are completely alone and isolated and alth ough they are not being heard, they will lose the trust they had in them.Whilst the child is confiding in you you should make sure you try to maintain professionalism, you should do this because if you start to get  personally involved and staff see you are getting personally involved, it may be hard for them to 100% trust everything you are relaying to them! it may be hard for the child to also understand what is acceptable within your relationship. Listen carefully to them, try get them to sit with you in a quiet environment, you should do this because there is less distraction for the child, meaning they wont just run off and play, it is also easier for you to hear everything the child is saying to you in depth, this also protects the child’s dignity and stops other children hearing what they are saying, or other children trying to grab your attention away from the situation. Don’t not be afraid of awkward silences either and definitely don’t try to fill them, you shouldn’t do this because it can be seen as your trying to push the child for answers, which should never be done. You shouldn’t really ask the children questions, the reason you should not do this is people can assume you are trying to put things in their heads or pushing them for answers they don’t feel comfortable giving, it’s also vital you don’t ask them questions as different people are going to be doing a lot of that. Try to sit at the children’s level and try to maintain eye contact with them, be aware of your body language. You should be aware of this because if you are too close to them or try to touch their hands to comfort them, this may make them shut down due to the abuse they are experiencing, being touched is uncomfortable to them. Once the child has expressed to you the abuse they are experiencing you should tell your line manager, if the child asks you to promise not to tell anyone, which they probably will you have to maintain your professional head and tell them you cannot promise this. You should never make promises to them, especially things such as â€Å"don’t worry we will sort this out, things will be better†, you should never do this because you should never make a promise to a child you cannot keep, you can say reassuring things like â€Å"I promise it is not your fault† but you cannot promise things like not telling anyone, as this is dishonest, you will have to relay what the child has said to the staff and the child will end up shutting of from you and not confiding any other information to you. In a case of suspected abuse your priority should be making sure that if you  have any suspicions you should report them and follow them through, you should do this because even if you are unsure whether they are ex piercing a use, you should not just let it slide as you may be covering up abuse if you do. if you look on the accidental and non accidental bruising chart and you think you see bruises where it states on the non accidental chart but the parents have not mentioned it, you should report it, don’t just brush it off because you are embarrassed that you may be wrong, you should do this because even if you are wrong, you have done your job in the well being of the child within you’re care. If you are suspicious of a child’s behaviour, if they are awkward when it comes to a certain sex, show sexual advances I.e. Pull their underwear down continuously even after being told it’s wrong or isolate themselves when playing you should report your suspicions. It is vital that if a child’s under 16 and you have even a slight suspicion they are beings abused, you should report it immediately. You should voice your concerns to the child protection appointed officer, who can then deal with the concerns, you should report it to them straight away as they are the best person to report it. This is a delicate incident, if a child reports abuse to you, their safety could be at risk, especially if the abuser finds out the child has confided in someone about the abuse, they could hurt them further physically and remove the child from the care of the nursery. The child’s safety could be at severe harm if they were to do this, as although it has been reported the child is not in a safe environment during the day any longer, potentially being subject to more abuse. If the abuse is suspected, reported and found to be irrelevant, the parents may find it uncomfortable to send their child back to the nursery, thinking they have been â€Å"accused† of abuse. The child may not want to come back or may show bad behaviour towards the nursery assistants as the child does not understand why they had to go through they ordeal. P4;explain possible priorities and responses when dealing with two particular incidents or emergencies in a health or social care setting & M2; discuss, health, safety or security concerns arising from a specific incident or emergency in a health and social care setting&D2;Justify responses to a particular incident or emergency in a health or social care setting. In my setting, exposure to infection is high, children are always picking up bugs, colds etc. they also sometimes have accidents, this means the staff are exposed to bodily fluids. You should always protect yourself and those around you from infections. Infections are able to enter the, tyo body in several different ways, these are inhalation- breathing in, ingestion- swallowing and inoculation-a break in the skin. When working in my setting, it is vital to have strict hygiene standards. When dealing with changing children’s nappies, staff should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, then apply gloves and proceed to change them or help the children with the toilet, they should do this when dealing with accidents also, they should wash their hands before they apply gloves because if they have any germs already on their hands, putting the gloves on will only make them multiply, this is why they should also wash them afterwards also although they are using gloves which stop the body fluids getting onto their hands they could have missed germs the first time washing them. Staff should thoroughly clean cutlery used and when severing food,make sure they have again washed their hands and applied gloves, staff should do this because if a child has a cold or infection of any kind, if their cups they’ve used have not been washed thoroughly, germs could easily be missed and handed to another child with a low immune system which could multiply in no time. They should make sure when they are serving food they wash their hands and put gloves on again, because of germs multiplying and if they have a cut using a blue wash-proof plaster they should do this because it is easy to spot within food and is wash-proof, so it will not come unstuck easily when in contact with water, it will also be noticeable if it becomes loose or falls of within food, as it is blue if it does fall off within food, the food should be correctly disposed of, they should do this because the food is then classed as contaminated and no good. They should make sure that the children always thoroughly wash and dry their hands after using the bathroom as this can pass on infection quickly, they should make sure of this as if the children do not wash their hands then go and play, they are transferring the germs from their body fluids to other children and other toys, they could touch another child and easily pass it on, they could even give themselves more germs by putting their hands in  their mouthes etc. When the children have snack time it is vital that they wash their hands, or use hand sanitiser before and after eating, they should do this because before they eat they could have lots of germs on their hands from picking up toys etc. they want to ensure they are eradicating as many germs as possible, they should also wash their hands afterwards as they have touched food and probably touched the table etc, they could have sneezed and things such as this. They should encourage children to sneeze into tissues or their elb ow and make sure when they have sneezed or blown their nose, they dispose of the tissue correctly and wash their hands afterwards, they should do this because this will minimise the spread of they infection via inhalation, I.e. Air born infections and it will minimise the amount of germs they transfer from toy to toy, then toy to child. They should also clean tables before they use them for snack time, I feel they should do this because if a child has sneezed coughed or put their fingers I n their mouths and run their hands all over the table, their germs will be all over them, the tables will also have had toys all over them which most under 5 year olds would have put in their mouthes, so theoretically the tables should be disinfected, as should the toys, the toys should be disinfected because if a child has touched them or put them in their mouthes with infection, the chance of the germs spreading to all the other toys when they are crammed into a box in a dark cold cupboard is hi gh. Children within the nursery could be at great risk of catching infections from one another, they frequently sneeze and do not cover their mouth’s and nose’s, sneezing onto toys and in the air meaning children can catch they infection they may have by simply breathing around them. One typical thing children do with toys is put them in their mouthes, if another child has previously sneezed on this or put it in their mouth whilst they have an infection, this is automatically spread from one to the next. If the child has an infection such as conjunctivitis and is in nursery without undergoing treatment this could be spread via the child touching and itching their eyes, then touching toys or other children. If a child has an infection such as impetigo, they would only have to have skin to skin contact with someone who has a cut on their skin, this will pass it onto them,these two examples although seem small, are high risk infections. Within my setting the health  of indiv iduals is at risk here, because people’s immune systems react differently to infections, so an infection such as a minor flu that has not affected someone too severely, may affect someone else quite severely, resulting in hospitalisation etc. this type of infection could result in their being an epidemic of flu within the nursery, resulting in everyone become infected unable to attended nursery/work. For example, if a child or worker has asthma or a form of lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease also known as COPD (this could be in a worker) then what we see as a simple bout of flu or a nasty cold, could cause these individuals more serious illness’ such as a chest infection, it could also cause irreversible damage to their lungs.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Lord Of the Flies Mood Essay

With close reference to the extract, show how William Golding creates mood and atmosphere here. (10) In this extract, we notice that it is the ending events of the novel. So, we can identify that all chaos and destructive events have taken place; as a result, their impacts upon the characters have taken their toll. In the opening lines of the extract, Golding (straight away) creates a sombre mood towards Ralph, when the officer said ‘How many of you are there’ and Ralph responded by shaking ‘his head.’ What this shows is that Ralph is clearly astonished and mesmerized – as if he had a flashback- by all the misfortune that occurred on the island. He does not reply verbally, but, by the absence of this, Golding creates an additional distressful mood between Ralph and the reader; which in turn creates a sorrowful atmosphere. This atmosphere is prolonged through when we see the description on the appearance of Ralph. When asked about authority, Ralph says that he is in charge, ‘I am,’ however after this; a sense of visual cleansing effect emerges. In other words, as a reader, it is like the wool has been taken away from Ralph’s eyes, as he realises who he really is, ‘A little boy,’ with a ‘black cap’ and ‘red hair.’ Next we see that the mood changes into a remorseful one when in this section; Ralph may have been reminded of the withdrawal of an adult figure. Yet, when reminded of piggy through the ‘spectacles’ he ‘changed his mind’ and ‘stood still.’ What I infer from this is that Ralph is reminded from the rational and parent like figure of Piggy: which in turn creates a despairing atmosphere. This atmosphere is maintained throughout the extract. We see next that the officer is quite disappointed as a group of ‘British Boys’ would have put on a ‘better show.’ This disappoin ted mood, created by Golding, is inserted to show the escalation of violence and change that has commenced on the island. Also, the removal of law and justice in which the British are popularised to uphold. Ralph himself realises this and through his response, we see his how this was to be, but later, this ‘British society’ had fallen out of hand. ‘It was like that at first,’ ‘we were together then.’ Golding shows this disappointed atmosphere through Ralph’s unfinished sentences. In the last two paragraphs, realisation, of their surroundings, between all the characters have been distinguished. This atmosphere is seen as the island was once a ‘strange glamour,’ now its ‘scorched up.’ Furthermore, with the deaths of Simon, and ‘jack had†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ killed Piggy, tears and sobbing took them  all. In this, we see that there are contrasts to the father and child theme. We see this by the words ‘filthy body’ and ‘unwiped nose’ which can relate to childish features. As a result, this creates a heartfelt mood towards the characters. In the ending, we see that the officer looks at the tri m cruiser in the distance. Why Golding created this is possibly (in my speculation) as a new leaf/page, a symbol for freedom, in turn, creates a positive atmosphere.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Informative Speech Essay example

Informative Speech Essay example Informative Speech Essay example Angel Nolker How to Manage Your Stress We have all had the feeling before, our muscles are tense, our stomach is upset, we can’t sleep or eat; though some of us may eat too much. You may feel sad or depressed and when you try to think of a way to fix your problems you go blank. This is because you are stressed. Most of my facts are from it’s a website edited, wrote, and reviewed by doctors. defines stress as a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Stresses can be external (from the environment, psychological, or social situations) or internal (illness, or from a medical procedure). I think all of us can relate to stress, especially since we are all college students. We are faced with all different types of stress. Stress is constant in our lives and cannot be avoided; that’s why I would like to inform you of the two types of stress and a few tips on ways that you can help manage your stress. I think that the tips I give you can help with every day stress situations and make life more enjoyable. There are two types of stress: Acute and Chronic. Acute stress is the type of stress that comes immediately with a change of routine. It is an intense type of stress, but it passes quickly. Some of the effects a person may have are chest pain, abdominal discomfort, headaches, difficulty in concentrating, sleeplessness. Chronic stress will occur if there is a constant change of routine for week after week. Chronic stress affects the body for a long period of time. This type of stress happens when a person faces moves or job changes. Some of the effects of Chronic stress are headache, mood swings, anxiety disorder, substance abuse, memory disturbances and in severe cases of heart attacks because of high blood pressure. Now that we know the types of stress I would like to talk about a few reasons for stress that I believe most of us or all us can relate to: First is how stress is involved with being a college student, second is stress in succeeding in life, and last is personal relati onships. The first reason for stress would be being a college student. Being a college student can be very stressful. College can be very demanding; we all have our own lives, some of us work and have to take care of our families, and to add school work such as tests, papers, project, and finals on top of that can be very stressful and time consuming. We all want to succeed in our classes and that can add a lot of stress as well. So many times we put overwhelming pressure on ourselves to do well and get good grades. We don’t want to disappoint our family and friends and especially ourselves. At times this all can be too much. The second type of stress I think we can all relate to is succeeding in life. Whether it is doing well in school, in our career, or a goal we have set for ourselves. We all want to succeed! Who wakes up in the morning and says, today I think I want to fail? I don’t think any of us do. It is deeply rooted in the American dream that anything is possible if only you can dream and seek to make those dreams come true. Dreams are believed to be attainable as long as you work hard enough and are motivated enough to reach that goal. Society does not accept failure too well. So, along with opportunities and possibilities come the pressure to succeed and the pressure to be successful. I think a very motivating quote would be â€Å"I do not fail; I succeed in finding out what does not work†. The third type of stress would be personal relationships. Those could be with our mom and dad, with our children, husband or wife, or our friends. I believe personal relationships are one of the top causes of stress. Family life can be very stressful; Family-related stress can be attributed to various factors such as dealing with a family member's terminal illness, the loss of a loved one, sibling rivalry, divorce, re-marriage, blending families. There are so many issues that can

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Military Grave Markers and Tombstones

Military Grave Markers and Tombstones For many, the first introduction to an ancestors military service is at the cemetery when they discover a flag or military marker next to their ancestors grave, or an unknown acronym or image carved on the stone. Common Military Abbreviations United States - Military Abbreviations - Ranks, Units AwardsAustralia - Military Abbreviations TerminologyCanada - Military Abbreviations, Terms and MeaningsGermany - Glossary of Germany military terms and abbreviations Tombstone Symbols May Indicate Military Service Flag - liberty and loyalty. Often seen on military markers.Stars Stripes around an Eagle - Eternal vigilance and liberty. Often seen on U.S. military markers.Sword - often indicates military service. When found on the base of the stone might indicate infantry.Crossed swords - May indicate a military person of high rank or a life lost in battle.Horse - May indicate calvalry.Eagle - courage, faith and generosity. May indicate military service.Shield - Strength and courage. May indicate military service.Rifle - often indicates military service.Cannon - generally indicates military service. When found on the base of the stone it may indicate artillery. Acronyms for Military Groups Veterans Organizations CSA - Confederate States of AmericaDAR - Daughters of the American RevolutionGAR - Grand Army of the RepublicSAR - Sons of the American RevolutionSCV - Sons of Confederate VeteransSSAWV - Sons of Spanish American War VeteransUDC - United Daughters of the ConfederacyUSD 1812 - Daughters of the War of 1812USWV - United Spanish War VeteransVFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Sunday, November 3, 2019

(Book Review) Social policy and practice in Canada Essay

(Book Review) Social policy and practice in Canada - Essay Example This book is truly the first of its kind in regards to this subject matter that has been able to provide an insightful and critical perspective on the entire evolutionary process of social policy in the country. Furthermore, Alvin Finkel proves himself as being an extraordinary author, as he divulges into issues that have never been discussed - or even thought of, in some cases - before. In order to be able to understand this book better, the entire work must be thoroughly examined and discussed, and by doing this we will not only be able to gain a more informed and understanding viewpoint on the literary work itself, but as well on the author and on what his purpose was for writing this book. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Social Policy and Practice is a book which starts off by giving a historical point of view in regards to the history of the social policies that have taken place within Canada, and one of the first issues in particular that he discusses is that of how "Canada's constitutional development reflects the history of Canada itself, its maturation into a self-governing democracy, and the steady advent of new ideas and conditions" (22). It is pointed out that the Constitution has changed considerably over the years and that this has made a strong impact on the country of Canada overall, and that these changes have greatly influenced the different social policies and practices that have come about. Finkel then begins to discuss the actual history of constitutional antecedents, and he makes particular note of the fact that Canada's political and constitutional development actually did not begin with the arrival of the first European settlers, contrary to the majority of the world's beliefs, but rather "Formal constitutional development in Canada began with the Edict creating the Sovereign Council of Quebec in 1663, whereby the French established New France as a royal province and made provision for civil government" (26). He continues for several chapters discussing the actual origin of Canada and the onset of the most basic and most intermediate social policies and practices of the countries, and uses analogies and comparisons between Canada and other industrialized countries in order to show the striking and significant differences that exist here. We can see from this alone that Canada is a country which is really in crisis in this regards, as there are a number of large and imperative issues that are facing the country as a whole. Finkel makes very clear in the very beginning of the book the fact of how important and dire it is to have proper and efficient social policies and practices in any country, and that however there are more problems in this regards with Canada than basically any other industrialized nations. He then begins on the issue of the current social policy review process in Canada, and he states that there is a setting for this current debate on the social policies in Canada which truly parallels that of most other industrialized countries in the world, and that "Common features include a secular growth slowdown topped by a recession in the early 1990s, an aging population requiring higher transfer and health-care expenditures, rising needs and costs associated with the increasing prevalence of the single-parent family, and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Final Film Critique Momento Mori Research Paper

Final Film Critique Momento Mori - Research Paper Example This might be a straightforward suspense thriller if not for the inversion of the usual chronology of a narrative. Rather than begin with the traumatic event, or early in the story with a few flashbacks to the traumatic event, the movie begins instead at its chronological ending, with Leonard enacting his revenge with the polarizing aid of a Polaroid camera. The story then proceeds in reverse, through a series of events in which each successive event precedes chronologically the event it follows. In effect, the movie mirrors the memory disorder that afflicts its main character. Leonard maintains a pretense of continuity through a series of tattoos that define his identity and his purpose and photographs that provide basic information about the people and objects with which he must interact. Equipped with these two modes of visual inscription, Shelby uses â€Å"habit and routine† to make his â€Å"life possible.† This essay will offer a detailed criticism of the film foc using on three themes: the double constitution of the film's protagonist, the fate of Teddy as decided by the objects around him, and the unique position the audience is placed in if and when they become aware of the climactic â€Å"error† of the film. ... But if his mind suffers from his strange amnesia, his body remains as a canvass on which to archive those questions of identity that haunt the agency lost along with his memory. Some tattoos provide routines by which to self-identify his disorder (â€Å"remember Sally Jankis†) while others provide information (the series of â€Å"Facts†) about the mysterious John G. responsible for his wife’s death. This cognitive road-map is in many was not nearly as striking and fetishized as it seems to be when it first appears on screen; in reality, it represents merely a more dramatic version of the same externalized memory technologies we have depended upon since the origin of writing. We use these external and technological memory systems to help make sense of the world around us, given that there is so much of the world we do not understand and far too much of the world for us to ever easily remember. In a book titled Impossible Exchange, Jean Baudrillard argues that huma nity, unable to deal with the radical uncertainty of the world, attempts instead to liquidate it, â€Å"to destroy it by substituting an artificial one, built from scratch, a world for which we do not have to account to anyone† (2001, p. 14). Given the doubts we have about the world, we prefer to find solace in the â€Å"simulacra and simulations† of places like Disney or religion or particular versions of history (Baudrillard, 1994), rather than face the reality that we do not know any of these things for sure. This is exactly what takes place in Memento with Shelby's tattoo work. Thus, Shelby’s attempt to use his skin as a place to store his memory is not as remarkable for its strangeness as it is for its banality: in a culture defined by the seasonal rotation of